I completed my studies of translation and interpreting in Italian and English at the University of Graz. Subsequently I also completed my studies in law at this university since this field was an ideal combination with the languages I had studied. This is how I started my career as a court interpreter and translator at the service of the Austrian judiciary, police and administrative authorities as well as lawyers and notaries.
During several stays in Italy, the UK, New Zealand and Australia and during my work in a large Styrian company and subsequently as a self-employed language service provider, I also gained valuable practical experience which I later passed on to my students of Business Italian at the University of Graz.
Quality assurance and management have always been at the heart of my work, which led to cooperation with ASI, the Austrian Standards Institute in Vienna. Here, as chair of the ÖNORM committee for language service providers I was responsible for and participated in the creation of standards in this field, in particular EN 15038, ISO 17000 and ISO 20228.
As vice-president of the Austrian Court Interpreters Association (ÖVGD), I work to further the interests of the court interpreting profession.
As a member of Universitas, the Austrian Interpreters’ and Translators’ Association, in addition to the required language skills, I have an extensive knowledge and awareness of different cultural and educational backgrounds, always maintaining the highest standard of linguistic competence.
My passion for Italian led me to AIDA – Associazione Italiani d’Austria in Graz – where I am an honorary member of the board. Not to mention ARCA, the Italian book shop and library which not only provides AIDA, but all Italian fans with Italian literature and teaching materials.